Ep 54: Club Planning Series - Knowing your 'WHY'

Welcome to 2023! To kick start this year, Michael and Steve are embarking on a new mini-series of Basket Case Clubs talking all things club planning, to help you reset and realign your club's values in the new year. At this time of year, we always hear people talking about 'restarting', but what about simply resetting? Sometimes, all we need is a simple reset. To help you reset this year, the Basket Case Bros will be bringing it back to the basics; your WHY. This is one of, if not THE most important aspects of your club. Knowing your WHY helps you unlock a new level of skill and knowledge, helps you attract people to your club who share the same values, and helps your club become the best version of itself. So, what are you waiting for? Jump into the first episode of this exciting new series filled with Basket Case-y Goodness, and figure out your WHY!