Positive Changes from a Pandemic

A Bright Start to 2021

2020 brought a raft of challenges to the world in both personal and business settings. Whilst a lot of news was negative, CPR Group is happy to report on positive outcomes that came from last year's unique situation. 

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Golf Australia successfully adapted to online meetings and improved club governance throughout 2020. As Golf Australia's appointed consultants, we were able to continue constitution review work with clubs across the country using online meeting and communication tools. It is rewarding to see these clubs now making better use of technology more than ever before.

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Another client we’ve worked with extensively, Equestrian Queensland, reported significant changes with an increased and innovative use of technology. Equestrian Queensland decided to design and implement training clinics using live streaming. The change from face-to-face clinics to online enabled them to extend their offering Australia-wide which has assisted greatly in nationalising the sport. The live streaming produced by Equestrian Queensland included coaching clinics and officials training accessible to members in remote areas where distance can be a barrier. The result of this proactive and positive approach has produced accredited officials in the Northern Territory who wouldn’t otherwise have had the opportunity to carry out this training and certification.

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More frequent project engagements via online meetings and a stronger personal rapport with our clients in Port Douglas was a positive outcome from the travel restrictions last year. Our design team was able to communicate well and plan a park project that will bring great recreational benefits to the community. 

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CPR Group launched our Basket Case Clubs podcasts to assist clubs dealing with challenges of all kinds. These entertaining podcasts have captured sports club audiences from across Australia. Basket Case Clubs provided motivation for clubs reemerging from lockdown and continues to assist with those day-to-day dilemmas clubs experience.


Free webinars have also been produced to deliver advice and support on a range of topics that support club growth - from digital literacy to grant writing skills. Seven of the webinars specifically address COVID-19 times exploring crisis management, volunteer engagement and operational and infrastructure planning in a COVID-19 context. The feedback we have received from these free webinars has been heartwarming. If you think your club or organisation could benefit from these free webinars, they can be found here on our website.