Ep 43: Conflicts of Interests; the good, the bad, and the funny 😉

No matter the kind of volunteer work you do, or the organisation in which you volunteer, conflicts of interests arise more often than you might think! Join Michael and Steve in this week's episode where they give their tips and tricks (from years in the trade) on how to recognise conflicts of interests, and how your constitution could do with a tweak to deal with them when they inevitably arise. What are you waiting for?! Put your headphones on and buckle up for another episode filled with Basket Case-y Goodness!

Ep 42: Sponsorship is Marketing: Why you should help your sponsors sell more of their stuff!

The journey of marketing in clubs continues! Join Michael and Steve in this week's episode where they discuss how clubs should see sponsorship as a form of marketing. It can be hard in clubs to recognise the difference between donations and sponsorships, which makes it important to know how a club should help market their sponsor’s goods and services. That's why Michael and Steve take you through how sponsorship is a business unit, not just part of your fundraising, and how to build social awareness and brand awareness for your sponsors.

P.S. Michael and Steve refer to a handy visual-aid which you can follow along during the episode, or refer back too afterwards. To get your hands on this visual-aid, either send us a message via our 'Contact Us' section on our website at www.cprgroup.com.au/contact or send an email to info@cprgroup.com.au and we will send it out to you.

Enjoy this week's episode filled with Basket Case-y Goodness!

Ep 40: Marketing for New Members: How it’s ok for clubs to get EXCLUSIVE

Who are your club’s ideal members? What drives them and why would they want to be involved? And how many members can you really accommodate anyway? When you think about it, your club is not the same as any other, and that is likely the reason you attract the members you do. In this episode, Michael and Steve continue their discussion about club marketing and the value of knowing who your marketing should target. While it’s great to have an INCLUSIVE club, join the Basket Case Bros for this episode as they help you figure out the best people to seek to include in the first place!

Ep 39: Club Marketing: Canteens - making sure you’re getting more than just crumbs

Clubs tend not to do it; marketing opportunities for club canteens are often overlooked; whether it’s because they take it for granted, that they’ve never actually considered it specific marketing for their canteen business unit or because they think that they’re not allowed to market because they are ‘just volunteers not-for-profit club’; this ep is as full of good ideas to help grow canteen income as a $4 bucket of chips!

Ep 38: Fun with pork-barrelling!

Local politics plays a role in the delivery of sport and recreation services and facilities. We have to come to peace with that. Join Michael and Steve in this week's episode of Basket Case Clubs, where they address some Basket Case-y behaviour of Councils and the importance of Council officers pushing the right projects, while volunteers in clubs should commit to good project planning. This approach can increase political benefits to elected representatives and make sure Councils deliver the best projects for their community.

Ep 37: Volunteers or contractors: Who’s going to fix that dodgy pergola?

Where is your club’s line in the sand? Are you aware of the time and effort your club’s volunteers are putting in JUST to make ends meet? Whether it’s ensuring your clubhouse is up to scratch (i.e. not falling apart), or that your courts and fields are well maintained so that members are safe while playing their beloved sport, be sure to catch this episode of Basket Case Clubs where Michael and Steve discuss properly valuing your volunteers’ time.

Image 1: The dodgy pergola…

Ep 35: Motions in Meetings: What are they, and why do we ‘second’ them?

Inspired by a question from a club volunteer, this week Michael and Steve got to wondering how many other club committee members ‘move’ and ‘second’ motions without even knowing what that means. How can good motions influence a good meeting? Why are they important? What does a motion even mean? Why does it need to be ‘seconded’? If you’re asking yourself any of these questions, tune in for this week’s episode of Basket Case Clubs where Michael and Steve unpack what a motion is, and why your meetings should use them. Implementing the practical steps in this episode will guarantee that your meetings will become smoother and more efficient. Who wouldn’t want that?!

Ep 34: An episode for a rainy day… Recovery tips for flooded sports clubs

Building sporting facilities on flood plains makes great sense… until it rains! And boy did it rain in southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales on the weekend of 26 and 27 February 2022! The devastation caused by the floods really put a damper on what would otherwise have been another busy weekend of community sport. In the latest episode of CPR Group’s podcast, Basket Case Clubs, Michael and Steve put on their gloves and gumboots to share tips to help volunteers in their clean up and recovery efforts.

Ep 33: Partnerships and Connections

In this episode of Basket Case Clubs, join Michael and Steve as they demonstrate the value of forming good partnerships with other clubs, Councils, and peak bodies. As a volunteer in a club or association, you may feel as though other clubs are your competitors, when in actual fact, they could be part of your support system! They are the people who could have been through exactly what you're going through, and if you create strong connections with them, they can be there to help you bounce back to become better than ever. You won't want to miss this episode where you will learn about the HUGE benefits of building strong partnerships and connections with all sorts of other organisations.

Ep 32: AGM Timing

In this episode of Basket Case Clubs, Michael and Steve investigate the ideal time for clubs to hold their AGM. The Connelly brothers bring with them as much knowledge as they do wit; this is certainly not an episode you will want to miss. Jump on and learn how to hit that AGM timing 'sweet spot'.

Ep 30: The importance of GOOD Governance

Governance is one of the most important aspects of being a successful club. In this episode of Basket Case Clubs, Michael and Steve delve deeper into the need for good governance within any organisation, and their top takeaways on how to avoid being stuck in the oh-so-common rut of "we can't change, this is how we've always done it". If you're feeling as though your club isn't progressing in the way it should be, then give this episode a listen to gain some insight into ways your club can go from having average governance to GREAT governance.

Ep 29: AGM Season

The good thing about AGM’s for clubs is that they only come around once a year… unless you’re like Michael and Steve and get to go to AGM’s for lots of clubs, all year round. In this episode, the boys from Basket Case Clubs share some good advice for making sure that the AGM is not something to fear, but rather a productive transition from one committee to the next.

Ep 28: Soar like a...Hawk: How Sandgate Hawks AFC turned their off-field game around and how you can do the same

Sandgate Hawks Football Club thought it was going to have to shut the doors, until the board decided to make a change. In this episode of Basket Case Clubs, listen to the interview with Hawks board members Chad Polinski and Des Warnock, where they discuss how they turned the club around. Chad, Des, Steve and Michael share some sound advice for other clubs that may find themselves in a similar position.

Ep 26: Getting Caught in the Rough: How a Golf Club Committee Dealt with its Penalty Strokes

In this episode of Basket Case Clubs, Steve shares the tale of some disgruntled golf club members who wanted to boot out the club's committee, who, in their opinion, were underperforming. While it's never a fun exercise, Steve and Michael discuss the process of removing committee members in line with the rules. Of course, with a bit more self-awareness, maybe tired committee members would move on before push really comes to shove.

Ep 25: Don't Cheat the System: If you're gonna pay people, do it right!

In this episode, Michael and Steve investigate the pitfalls that many clubs have fallen into, thinking that they can pay people for their help, but avoid paying tax, superannuation and WorkCover insurance. In many club's lives, there comes a time when there just aren't enough volunteers, so they decide to start paying for services. But rarely do clubs get it right, because instead of taking a structured, strategic approach, they try to fly under the radar by kidding themselves that they can use the 'hobby form' to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars out to workers, or force people to supply an ABN so they can call them a 'contractor', when clearly they are an employee. This episode is full of useful tips and links, and several chuckles about the tax office!